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205 Herricks Rd

Garden City Park, NY 11040

Wood Basevent Source
Servicing Home Owners & Contractors since 1948

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Angled Baseboard Basevents

 Call 1-800-685-8263 or e-mail us at info@volko.com

Click the pictures for specifications & Sizes

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Pricing Information

Designed to cover duct openings near the base board. The base vent replaces the metal register. The angled face of the base vent covers the entire opening leaving only the detailed craftsmanship to be admired. Use the overall dimensions to determine the size you need to cover opening.

Wood basevents can be made to any size, wood type and style.

Choose from oak maple cherry hickory pine walnut birch bamboo and many more....


Base vents are usually installed over a duct opening located in the floor up against a wall.

To stay away from a custom size and to not screw around with the existing molding, the width of these vents is probably the most important measurement.  Ordering to wide will mean cutting the molding and too narrow filling in.

Base vents can be made custom to any size and in any wood.

Please specify

Length x Height x Depth

for dimensions.

Check out our Base Vents


Looking for other wood vent options....

Visit the Wood Vent Source @ www.woodventsource.com

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Full service does still exist, and here the premium is on service not on price.   1-800-685-8263
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